And, the millennium not yet at hand, offensive and defensive alliances, with war in mind, may still be sought after. 还有,新千年还远未到来,在战争思维的影响下,攻击型和防御型的联盟仍有可能备受追捧。
This advantage was deemed necessary because of Britain's superior sea skills and technology, and also because Britain would be fighting a defensive war, allowing it to win with fewer forces. 这种优势被认为是必不可少的,因为英国人具有超群的海上技能和技术,并且打的是一场防御战争,使它能以少胜多。
Currently we are suffering a temporary and partial setback in our defensive war against Japan, but this is not final defeat. 当前的战局,是处于暂时的局部的失利的境况,决不是抗日自卫战争的最后失败。
Messimy having fervently stamped out Michel's heresy of the defensive, did his best, as war minister, to equip the army to fight a successful offensive. 梅西米毫不留情地摒除了米歇尔主张打防御战的异端邪说,运用他陆军部长的职权,竭尽全力装备好陆军,准备打赢一场进攻战。
However, there is no certainty of continued defensive success in this war; 不过人们对接下来的这场防御战仍无胜算把握;
Inside the castle is the Museum of Military history, which contains examples of defensive techniques from the Middle Ages up to the First World War. 在军事博物馆的城堡里,陈列着从中世纪到一战期间的各种防御工事模型。
It was also by using the form of the defensive that the Red Army of the Soviet Union defeated its enemies during the civil war. 苏联内战时期的红军也是在防御形式之下战胜敌人的。
And the global strategy of the United States, after its defeat in Southeast Asia, has shifted to the defensive& the United States is not ready to fight a world war yet either. 美国在东南亚失败后,全球战略目前是防守的,打世界大战也没有准备好。
The strategic defensive in guerrilla war 第一节游击战争的战略防御
Of the three strategic stages the defensive, the stalemate and the counter-offensive in the entire process of the war in the country as a whole, the first and last are stages in which regular warfare is primary and guerrilla warfare supplementary. 就全国来说,在抗日战争全过程的三个战略阶段防御、相持、反攻中,首尾两阶段,都是正规战争为主,辅之以游击战争。
Chapter VII the strategic defensive and the strategic offensive in guerrilla war 第七章游击战争的战略防御和战略进攻
When the enemy launches a converging attack, he is on the offensive and operating on exterior lines, while we are on the defensive and operating on interior lines. OFFENCE WITHIN DEFENCE, QUICK DECISIONS WITHIN A PROTRACTED WAR, EXTERIOR LINES WITHIN INTERIOR LINES 这时,敌是进攻和外线作战,我是防御和内线作战。防御中的进攻,持久中的速决,内线中的外线
This is a defensive slogan against the bourgeoisie, against the enemy, showing that we want peace, not war, and it will help us win over the masses. 这个口号,在资产阶级面前,在敌人面前,是防御的口号,表示我们要和平,不要战争,便于我们争取群众。
We would still have ample strength to fight against japan, while the Japanese would have to fight defensive battles in their rear throughout the war. 我们仍然有很大的力量同日本作战,而日本在整个战争中须得时时在其后方作防御战。
Chapter IV initiative, flexibility and planning in conducting offensives within the defensive, battles of quick decision within protracted war, and exterior-line operations within interior-line operations 第四章主动地灵活地有计划地执行防御战中的进攻战、持久战中的速决战、内线作战中的外线作战
Cisco Fights a Defensive and Attack War 思科攻防战
Cross-shareholding has been used as a defensive arrangement by Japanese firms to avoid hostile takeovers, since the end of World War ⅱ. 交叉持股是战后日本企业规避国内外敌对接管收购的防御性安排。
Siping Defensive Battle ── A Pivot in the Development of Situations in the Period of Liberation War 四平保卫战是解放战争时期时局发展的枢纽
Analysis of offensive and defensive capability of cruise missile in the Gulf War 海湾战争中飞航导弹的攻防分析
According to the Constitution, the Presidents are only able to take defensive military actions instead of offensive ones, unless the Congress has declared war or has enacted a specific authorization. 根据宪法,除非经国会宣战或专门授权,总统只能采取防御性的军事行动,不能从事进攻性的行动。
The Second Front cooperating the liberative region's defensive war and its basic experiences 第二条战线对解放区自卫战争的战略配合及其基本经验
In August of 1998 it checked Hongkong dollars leading to the breaking out of an earth-shaking defensive war of Hongkong finance. 1998年8月对冲基金狙击港币,爆发了一场惊天动地的香港金融保卫战;
In the initial period of the Reagan administration, US was in the inferiority between America and Soviet in striving for hegemony, and US was in defensive situation, which stimulated "the cold war warrior" Reagan seriously. 里根执政初期,美国在美苏争霸中处于劣势,美国处于防守的态势,这严重刺激了冷战斗士里根。
China has always elaborated this war as a defensive war, and neglects the tasks undertaken by Japanese navy and their role for a long time, also, there are some disputes over the starting time of the war. 以往,中国方面一般以南京保卫战的概念来论述此次战事,并且长期忽视了日本海军在这次战事中的作战活动及作用。对于这次战事的起始时间也尚有一定的争议。
The development of military stronghold came from prehistoric defensive settlement in China, relying on the city had been as the main defensive model early in time of war. 用于军事防御的据点是由史前防御聚落发展而来,在战争时踞城作战是早期防御的主要作战形式。